Teach your family to have an healthy relationship with food.

Teach your family to have a healthy relationship with food.

Teach your family to have an healthy relationship with food.

Hi, I’m Terri Walsh

Celebrity Personal Trainer from NYC, now living in Costa Rica. I’ve compiled and tweaked an array of highly successful recipes and meal plans that have created remarkable results for my clients over the years. Now, these delicious recipes are at your fingertips!


A healthy relationship with food requires three things to create and maintain stable eating habits. It must be healthy. It must be easy, and it must be delicious.

Our Guides

Portion Size Principles: Learn the Fundamental Concepts Behind Portion Control

Introducing our Portion Control Guide, your ultimate companion for maintaining a healthy and balanced diet!

Finding a balance between indulging in your favorite snacks and avoiding overeating can be challenging.

Finding a balance between indulging in your favorite snacks and avoiding overeating can be challenging!

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